Signs you have an Rat Infestation
Are you experiencing Rat infestations at your home or business? This requires a solution that eliminates Rats from your home and prevents them from returning. Pest Managers have a variety of methods available for controlling the spread of rats in Cape Town. Pest Managers can assist with all types of Rat Control in Cape Town.
Your home may be infested with rats if you notice the following signs:
A strange smell or sound has been detected
It is common for rats to emit a strong smell of ammonia. Moreover, they produce a lot of noise as they move throughout your home, making squeaking, scratching, and rustling sounds as they move. Observing either of these signs may indicate that rats are present in the building.
Droppings & Smears
As rats move through your home, they leave droppings behind. Along the main rat pathways, you may observe small, dark, pellet-shaped droppings. In addition to establishing and maintaining established routes along walls, rats have poor vision.
As they travel along these routes, they leave behind grease smears and smudges on the walls.
Do you suspect that you may have a rat problem? Try looking in a seldom-used, dusty corner of your home. It is common for rats to leave foot and tail prints in their travels.
When you are unsure whether rats are present, sprinkle a fine layer of baking soda on the floor and check for fresh tracks the next morning.
Lastly, rats will leave a trail of destruction in their wake. It is possible for them to chew through electrical cords, gnaw on furniture, storage containers, or papers, and eat food that has been left out on the counter.
Their droppings and urine can be spread throughout your home, increasing your risk of exposure to disease.
Signs Of Rats in Walls
When rats live behind your walls, it can be difficult to detect their presence.
Here are a few signs to look for:
Squeaking, scurrying, and running noises are heard in the walls.
You may find piles of droppings in hidden areas of your home, such as behind the stove, in your basement or attic, or in the corners.
Packages, containers, or leftovers with bite marks on them.
Smudges of dirt and grease appear on the walls.
Insulation, shredded paper, bits of fabric, or other soft materials may be used to make nests.
Damaged or gnawed ductwork.
You may also find a live or dead rat somewhere in your home in addition to the above indications. If any of these signs are present, it is time to contact a professional pest control company like Pest Managers.
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