Pest Control Cape Town – Pest Managers | Fumigation Services

starling pest control

Starling Pest Control

Solve your Starling infestation with Us!

At Pest Managers, we understand the need to rid yourself of starlings. We have perfected the methods to remove starlings from problem areas. If you need any help, please contact us for professional and effective solutions.

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Article and Gallery about Bird Proofing

We have prepared an Article written on Birds specifically about problems that they might cause and diseases they can spread. Our Gallery gives you a broad overview of our Bird Proofing techniques.

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Types of Starlings in Cape Town

starling pest control

How We Get Rid of Starlings

One of the common concerns of people nowadays is how to get rid of Starlings from their property. The answer is simple, by taking professional help from Pest Managers.  Pest managers provide high-quality services to remove the Starling nests from the delicate area of your building. We work by treating the area for bird lice by spraying pesticides. This kills any lice that may be present due to infestation. If we skip this step, the lice may spread throughout the area and cause health issues. 

After spraying pesticide, we remove the nest and dispose of it in the garbage or burn it. We close any entry points through which the bird may re-enter. Lastly, our experts clean the area with best-in-class cleaning services. At Pest Managers, we keep an eco-friendly approach toward our pest challenges. Our services are organised to deal with the infestations as soon as possible. We also share our knowledge with the customers about how to get rid of a Starling nest and keep them cautious for further infestations.  

Our services are affordable, efficient, and accredited to deliver the best outcomes in the industry. 

Starling Control

Keeping Starlings Away from your Buildings

Starlings may not use the same nest as the year before, but the nesting’s eventually get infested by some other Starling couple. So, you must know how to tackle the bird.  

Here are some ways on how to scare Starlings away: 

  • Keep accessible water/food sources, like seeds, compost, etc., and trash away. 
  • If you notice any tree branches or bushes touching your building, get rid of them.  
  • Make some landscape alterations so the nesting becomes difficult for the bird. 
  • Add spikes, netting, or bird wire to stop the bird from entering your property. You can close the entry point with mesh to avoid future Starling infestations.  
  • Use noise-deterrent devices in the delicate areas of your property to scare the bird away. These devices make noise once it detects any movement nearby.  

At Pest Managers, we can also help you to bird-proof your property. Our experts will secure the area with strong and durable physical barriers so the birds can’t reinfest. We have professional bird-proofing specialists who can assess the issue and come up with the best solutions. 
We also offer durable deterrents like bird netting, bird wire, bird spikes, etc., that suits your requirement. Our experts have a 100% success rate in both Starling pest control and bird-proofing around Cape Town. We can be your long-term solution for all bird-related concerns!  


Starling Facts

Starling nest removal

What can happen once the starlings have made their nest?


What happens when starlings leave the nest?

Pest Managers - Starling Removal Cape Town 021 012 5589

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