Common Cockroach Species
Types of Cockroaches you can find in Cape Town
Are you experiencing cockroach infestations at your home or business? This situation requires a solution that eliminates cockroaches from your home and prevents them from returning. Pest Managers have a variety of methods available for controlling the spread of cockroaches. Pest Managers can assist with all types of cockroach fumigations and control in Cape Town.
Cockroach Species you might find in Cape Town
German Cockroaches
German cockroaches have a short life cycle, lasting only 100 days from egg to adulthood. Unlike some other species of roaches, these roaches breed continuously, causing populations to rapidly grow. A home may contain numerous adults, nymphs, and egg cases at any given time.
Every time they reproduce, German cockroaches lay a large number of eggs. A female’s egg capsules, called oothecae, contain 18-50 eggs on average. During the course of her lifetime, a female cockroach is capable of producing up to 400 cockroaches. It takes about a month for these egg cases to hatch.
When a baby German cockroach or cockroach nymph emerges, it undergoes several stages as it grows to adulthood (usually about 6), molting each time and losing its old skin.
In general, German cockroaches live for 20 to 30 weeks as adults. There is no other residential cockroach that reproduces and spreads as quickly as these. It is possible for a German roach infestation to grow exponentially within a year.
American Cockroaches
The first thing you will notice about an American cockroach is its size. In fact, it is the largest house-infesting roach in Cape Town (excluding the antennae) at 35mm or more in length.
The female cockroach egg contains roughly 16 eggs and they hatch in 1 to 2 months.
There are two long antennae on its head, six spiny legs on its body, and both its wings and body are reddish brown in color. Furthermore, it has a cream-colored, cowl-like structure behind its head, with darker brown markings that resemble an eight.
A pair of short appendages called cerci are found at the base of its body. If you are looking at a male, you will notice that he has an additional, tiny pair of appendages known as styli that protrude between them. In addition, he will have slightly longer wings and a thinner abdomen than the female.
Oriental(bush) Cockroaches
A dark brown or black color is characteristic of these cockroaches. The wings of males cover three quarters of the abdomen, while the wings of females are undeveloped.
These cockroaches are between 20 and 25 millimeters in size. In the egg case of a female, there are 16 eggs which take two months to hatch. Between the ages of six and eighteen months, nymphs become adults.
Their preferred habitat is damp and cool, such as beneath porches, drains, basements, and in the roofs of houses. Furthermore, they can also be found in leaf litter, rubbish piles, and wood piles or debris around the house. Instead of flying, they prefer to run.
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