Whether you are living in an urban or rural setting, pests are often an ever-present issue in your home. While some are merely an annoyance, some can be the cause of major problems in your home. This is where pest control companies come in to save the day. The process of pest control often generates a few frequently asked questions, and in this brief article, find out how Pest Managers can answer your queries.
Do Pest Control companies in Cape Town really work?
The process of hiring a pest control Cape Town company can be stressful and add to the anxiety you are likely to be feeling as a result of your pest problem. To add further stress, you may be doubtful about the effectiveness of pest control companies and whether they are worth the cost at all. These are natural concerns, but we are sure you will be glad to hear that pest control companies such as Pest Managers certainly do work, efficiently and effectively.
With years of experience, tried and tested methods, and a wealth of collective knowledge, pest control companies like ours are equipped to take care of your pest problems. We can even prevent outbreaks and further infestations.
While most pest control companies are reliable, if you are relying on an internet search alone we suggest that you take a thorough tour of the company’s website. The online world is packed full of scams and unqualified “professionals” who may do half-jobs or worse yet, no job at all. A good pest control company is licensed and available to hear your individual queries and respond accordingly with a personalized service to rid your home or business of any unwanted critter residents.
Is preventative Pest Control worth it?
When you hire a pest control service such as Pest Managers, you are choosing the most efficient way to deal with an infestation: avoid and prevent it entirely to begin with. Hiring pest control preventative services can save you heaps of cash that otherwise would be spent repairing damage created by pests like mice, rats and termites, among many others. Termites, for example, are renowned for wrecking anything wood related, primarily ceiling beams, cabinets and furniture. This oftentimes remains unnoticed until severe damage has been done and the structural integrity of your building is questionable.
Similarly, cockroaches and rats are prone to leaving droppings that may potentially contain dangerous microorganisms. Preventative pest control services are offered at affordable rates by companies like Pest Managers. These services are designed to assist you in protecting your home, family and pets by avoiding infestations altogether, and therefore their services are worth it.
What company is most reliable for Pest Control?
The pervasive nature of pests is one reason why there are a plethora of pest control companies providing services to Capetonians. Choosing the appropriate company is a difficult task that requires critical thinking and gathering informative resources. If you browse our website Pest Managers, you may find that we are exactly what you are looking for. We are considered by many to be the most effective pest control service in Cape Town. Affordable rates, personalized services, eco-friendliness and humane methods are what makes our company stand out.
However, there are a few questions you must ask yourself before deciding which company is best for you:
- How close is the company to my location?
- What pests do they deal with?
- Are there rates affordable for me?
- Do their methods align with my ideals?
- Are they willing to be open and communicative regarding my queries?
If the answers to these questions are positive and in line with what you are searching for, the relevant pest control company may just be the right one for you.
Pest Control vs. Exterminators – what is the difference?
Contrary to a common misconception, pest control companies are not usually the same as exterminators. Decades ago, people would commonly enlist the services of exterminators for an immediate fix for their pest infestation. This would entail a harsh and invasive chemical treatment which required home owners to leave the house for hours as the home was “bombed”. Oftentimes, the problem would re-occur since the chemical treatment was a quick fix and not a long term solution.
The word “exterminate” means “to destroy completely.” This suggests the complete eradication of a pest infestation and consequently a pest population – which is not the case at all due to largely ineffective short term solutions. If this were the case, however, we would be harming the environment which needs what we consider pests in order to survive and thrive. Despite this, we do not wish to have pest residents in our home, which is where responsible pest control companies such as Pest Managers come into play. While exterminators and pest control companies have their differences, their common goal is to rid clients of their pest problem.
As opposed to using toxic pesticides indiscriminately, pest control professionals focus more on why exactly the pests you are living with have chosen to enter and infest your home. In turn, they will look at ways to alter the conditions that caused an influx of the creatures that led to the infestation in the first place. Pest control companies such as Pest Managers use more environmentally, human and pet friendly products that are still highly effective.
How often should you use Pest Control?
In an ideal world, one visit from your chosen pest control company should completely rid you of your annoying pests. This however is not always the case, as some infestations, especially when left unnoticed for years, can amount to quite a lot of trouble and may be tricky to eliminate (even for experienced pest control companies). If this is the case, you may need a series of visits from your pest control providers. This is so that they can regularly assess the situation, take action and make recommendations. Professionals can expertly spot signs of infestation in your infrastructure that the untrained eye cannot, which is why frequent visits can be a helpful idea if recommended.
What to do before and after Pest Control treatment?
Contrary to popular belief, while pest control companies do take the reins when you hire them to rid your home of pests, there are certain actions you need to do before and after their services in order to maximize results and save time. One example would be the need to ensure that food is securely stored before any treatments are done in your home. This could also be the need to take pets outside so as to not hinder your professional’s movement in your space. The following guide addresses the basics of what to do before and after your pest control treatment:
Make access easier for your pest control company
If you have large pieces of furniture or obstacles in the corners of your home, you are advised to take the time to move them accordingly before your appointment. This will ensure that professionals have easy access to hidden areas that need to be treated. Doing so also means that you can prevent any chemicals from getting on your beloved furniture at the same time.
Store toiletries
You would not want items like makeup bags, creams, toothpastes and brushes to be exposed to any chemical, no matter how human-friendly it may be. You are advised to pack away your toiletries or seal them in a plastic bag. The same applies to your clothing, children’s toys and jewelry.
Clear out the kitchen
Kitchens are a hub of attraction for most pests, and as a result your pest control company is likely to treat your countertops and relevant cabinets. Before your appointment, consider packing away your cutlery and crockery as well as open food items so that pest professionals have unadulterated access to all kitchen areas.
Ensure pet safety
Even though proposed treatments and chemicals may not be severely dangerous for your pets, it is better to be safer and understand that they are sensitive to most treatments. This is unless otherwise stated by your reliable pest control service. Consider leaving your pets at a friend’s house during the duration of the pest control treatment as well as a few hours afterwards to be extra cautious. If you have pet birds, it is imperative that you keep them far away from any area that has been treated for several days. This is because their respiratory systems are incredibly sensitive. When it comes to fish, turn off their air pump and cover the top of their tank with plastic.
What to do after your Pest Control treatment:
Do not rush home
If your pest control company recommends a time frame for which you need to leave the house, listen to them. You may be in a rush to get home and continue your day but listening to professional advice in these circumstances is critical.
Do not clean immediately after a treatment
Even though your pest control company should not leave a mess behind, it is imperative not to clean your home immediately after treatment. Mopping or sweeping could wipe off treatment from surfaces, rendering the service you paid for less effective. Your chosen pest control professional should inform you in detail of what they will do in this regard, however. When you do eventually clean, make sure you are wearing disposable gloves so as to protect yourself from any chemicals in the treatments.
Repair leaks in your home
Take the time to address any leaks you may have within your home or outside, as they serve as entry points for pests. Contact your local plumber to do so as soon as possible, as you run a risk of re-infestation.
Keep an eye out for pests
After the treatment has had ample time to take effect, keep your eyes peeled for pests in your home. This means catching a glimpse of one or simply identifying new signs of their presence. Your pest control professional may have some tricks to teach you about how to spot these signs. At the same time, be sure to clean up any dead pests you may find. Regardless of whether they are inside or outside your home, they can attract other animals to the space.
How long does pest control take to work?
In most treatment cases, you are likely to notice a significant decrease in pest activity after 2 days. However, this timeframe is largely dependent on the type of pest you are battling with. In some cases, however, you may notice a noticeable increase in pest activity – and this does not necessarily mean that the treatment has not been effective. More often than not, this is a positive sign! The treatment has disrupted their activity and they are searching for a new place to live (although they are not likely to make it that long).